Новые виды, подвиды и новый род для науки беспозвоночных для фауны Peru

New species, subspecies and a new genus for the science of invertebrate fauna in the Ashaninka National Reserve (Seti po, Junin) and new species of invertebrate fauna for Peru.


In order to identify new species of invertebrate fauna in Peru in the Ashaninka Municipal Reserve (RCAS),

Satipo, Junin, conducted a 10-year study as part of the project
“Study of invertebrate fauna in the Ashaninka Municipal Nature Reserve”.

A report at the Congress on Scientific Research in the territories of Nature Reserves. Lima 09-10,2018, p.71.
Collection of reports at the Congress on Scientific Research in the territories of Nature Reserves..


Author (s):  Izerskyy, V., Sedano, J., Meza, K.

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