
The huge amount of scientific research conducted on the territory of almost 4,000,000 square kilometers in Peru would not have been possible without the participation and assistance of our partners, who from year to year have been sharing with us all the conducted expeditions and providing invaluable assistance in publishing the results of the work.

We express our sincere gratitude for a long and fruitful cooperation!

Academic institution

The Institute of Zoology (ZIN) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The Museum of Natural History Of Austria. Department Of Zoology. Vienna, Austria.
The Institute of Paleontology. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
The Smithsonian Institution. Laboratory of Systematic Entomology (UZDA). Washington, D.C., USA.
The Institute Of Forest Science. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
The Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals ((ISEA) of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia.
The Natural History Museum. University of San Marcos. Lima, Peru.

UNESCO biosphere reserves

The UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Oksapampa-Achaninka-Yanesha". Pasco, Perú.
The UNESCO Biosphere Reserve “HUASCARAN ". Anchash, Peru.

State organization

Regional Government of Junín
The District Municipality of Rio Negro City. Gunin, Peru.
Regional Coffee Institute
The Moscow Zoological Park. The Department of Entomology. The Insectary. Moscow, Russia.
The Experimental Entomological Breeder. The Ministry of Environment. Pastaza, Ecuador
California Department of Agriculture (CDFA). California State Collection Of Invertebrates. Sacramento, California, USA.
"Pacaya Samiria" National Park. Loreto, Peru.
The District Municipality Llaylla City. Gunin, Peru.
The District Municipality of Pampa Hermosa. Gunin, Peru.
The District Municipality of Pangoa City. Gunin, Peru.
The Municipality of Coviriali District. Gunin, Peru.
The Regional Municipality of La Convention Province. Cuzco, Peru.
The Union of Municipalities “AMAZONICA” Cuzco, Peru.

Public organization

The Association of The Ashaninka Indians of the Ene River. Gunin, Peru.
The Association of The Ashaninka Indians of the Apurimac River “OARA”. Gunin, Peru.
The Zoological Park "Huachipa". Lima, Peru.

Non-Profit Organizations

NGO- Planetlungs

Commercial organisation

Entomological reproduction and reproduction center "DEDALMA". Ecuador
KRONOS LLC. The “COIOC " trademark. Russia.

During the development of the Fund’s activities and projects, we are always open to new fruitful contacts and mutually beneficial cooperation with various organizations and individuals, who are not indifferent to the environmental problems and the preservation of the last virgin forests of the Amazon.

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