
For the period from 1996 to 2020 our scientific group has published over 38 scientific and popular scientific articles. In these works over 800 taxa new to science were described. Also, we have represented modern, practical techniques in the field of the rational usage of the forest natural resources and raised issues connected with the ecological status of the floodplains and the upper reaches of the Amazon etc.

All results of our research were systemized and published as books. These works are intended for the determination of taxa, and also include information on the taxonomy and ecology of species. The books are aimed at the wide audience – natural scientists, experts in the field of ecology, customs officers, and engineers engaged in the control of breeding nurseries and certified zoological gardens.

New books.

Very soon we will release two new books!

1) - LAS ESPECIES AMENAZADAS Y ENDEMICAS DE LA FLORA SILVESTRE. SELVA CENTRAL. (Prov. Satipo, dep. Junin - prov. La convencion. Cuzco)

Endangered and endemic species of wild flora. The central jungle. (province. Satipo, dep. Junin-prov. Conventions. Cusco)


The main pollinators of Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) from the Amazon rainforest in Peru.

Автор© Владимир Изерский "Атлас кофе". Краткое руководство по кофе. 2022 ISBN: 978-612-47752-6-0
Atlas of coffee. Quick reference for a coffee maker. 2022

ISBN: 978-612-47752-6-0

Autor ©Volodymyr Izeskyy The Longhorn Beetles of the Central Selva. Satipo Province, Peru 2021 ISBN: 978-612-47752-4-6
The Longhorn Beetles of the Central Selva. Satipo Province, Peru 2021

ISBN: 978-612-47752-4-6

Autor © Volodymyr Izeskyy Endangered and endemic species of the wildlife of the central jungle . 2020 ISBN: 978-612-47752-2-2
Endangered and endemic species of the wildlife of the central jungle . 2020

ISBN: 978-612-47752-2-2

Атлас чешуекрылых Перу. 2012 ISBN: 978-7-5503-1088-9 Автор ©: Изерский В.В.
Peruvian Lepidopteran Atlas 2012

ISBN: 978-7-5503-1088-9

Орхидеи Перу. 2011 ISBN: 978-612-00-0489-0 Автор (ы): ©Изерский В.В., Безверхов Ю. А.

Orchids of Peru. 2011

ISBN: 978-612-00-0489-0

Autor © Volodymyr Izeskyy Saturniidae, Oxytenidae y Sphingidae de Central Peru 2000 ISBN: 966-7569-14-4

Saturniidae, Oxytenidae and Sphingidae of Central Peru.-2000

ISBN: 966-7569-14-4

Autor Volodymyr Izerskyy Бабочки северного лаоса. 2000 ISBN: 966-7569-16-0

The Moths of Northern Laos 2000

ISBN: 966-7569-16-0

Autor Volodymyr Izeskyy Бомбикоидные чешуекрылые и хохлатки Сибири и Дальнего Востока. 1999 ISBN: 966-7569-07-1

Brachmaeidae lepidopterous insects of Siberia and the Far East. 1999

ISBN: 966-7569-07-1

Passionflower. 2006 Author: Izerksiy V.V.

Passionflower. 2006

Author: Izerksiy V.V.

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